I am sure I am not the first to say this about the album cover above for Chris Browns new album but .... WTF??? Dude went from beating rhianna to dressing like her. I am sure that is the outfit she wore on the Jay-Z 9-11 show. Why is he holding a guitar like a bat? And why is he spraying a spray can like fly spray? Isnt he supposed to be tagging? Where the fuck is he? On a space ship? And who are those cartoon characters?
I don't know if this album cover is a joke or the real thing (Google it) but all I can say is if this dude is worried about album sales after losing his fanbase, dont be. He is sure gonna get some sales in the prank division for some wack shit like that. Looks like a trashed cover from Paula Abdul and MC Skat Cat.
Last few gigs were awesome. Good catching up with the H-town scene and doing things. Big ups to all the crews and the people that came out. You know who you are.
The mantis Shadow Mindset made a little montage vid to a VMT (Ft Country Bwaa) track we did a while back about growing up. Thought I would share it with yall. Big ups Shadow.