Smv is back at it again with the 3rd installment of the sword styles shows, this one is gonna be ill, Tickets available from Red Rat, Flow Bar or any of the artists performing $10.
Be sure to tune into Contact 88.1fm this thursday for interviews from the artists performing.

Friday September 24th
Flow Bar
Victoria Street
Featuring Tyson Tyler:
Born in Australia but raised in South Auckland, Fijian blooded Tyson has worked hard to perfect his chosen craft. From the age of 15 he has been writing and producing his own music, at 17 he was accepted to attend the Dawnraid “Str8 From Tha Streetz 2” music programme, solidifying his choice to become an entertainer. Graduating the course three months later with his first professionally recorded song from the course “South Auckland Anthem” co-produced by Chong Nee, the song became somewhat of an underground classic, forging an early impression in the young talents career.
Tyson independently released two mix-tapes in 2004. Whilst working on the third, his rugged vocal tone and demanding delivery caught the ear of Breakin Wreckwordz head Cyphanetik. Before long he had became the newest and youngest recruit to join the BWW roster. He released the mix-tapes “Dooms Day” with DJ CXL and “Real Name No Gimix” with DJ Truent, as well as appearing heavily on the “Breakin Wreckwordz Vol.2 - It's A Monster” album. He has collaborated with local artists Young Sid, Ethical, R.E.S, Temple Jones, Pieter.T and international artists Kardinal Offishall, Monsta Ganjah, Alfamega and toured nationally
FUNK VILLAINS is a newly formed super group outta Htown which consists of members from 3 crews...Hitz & Kortaz (FV), N.I & Z.O (FZV), Koma & SMV (FCS) with DJ Impact on the one's & two's performing brand new material & a new mixtape droppin' the same day as SS3.
LEWZTHERYN one third of Htownz Venemous Mic Technicians will be performing songs from his 2010 street album 'Life is short & so is the album'. But don't worry VMT will be in the building for all you junkies!
RAIZA has been in the mix for a minute now with a fresh and exciting sound in hip-hop with both wisdom, humour, reality and expressions of how things could be. The young MC is currently making progress in the Hamilton, New Zealand music and club scene while progressively building up a strong support base. Check out his single / video Mirror on yoututbe & local stations out now.
JANE DOE up'n'coming MC outta Htown will represent the new face to the Sword Styles fam. Currently working on her own material right now & hustlin shows in Htown Jane will be fresh new talent to check out on the night!
DJ SMV & DJ IMPACT ... Mixtape King of the Underground & 2x NZ DMC champion also your LRG HIPHOP SHOW DJ's will be holding down turntable duties!
SLIP OF THE TONGUE your host for the evening. Don't get caught slippin or he will air you out lol
Come and catch the realist hiphop show in Htown SWORDSTYLES!